Saturday, March 8, 2008

Night photography

Photographs taken outdoors between twilight and dusk.

Night photography is one area where you can forget about multi matrix, spot, honeycombs any other metering system!

Why? Because the only good light meter for night photography is your eye and experience. Because we are no longer dealing with daylight, a metered reading can only be used as a "starting point". There are a few factors in night photography that make camera meters unreliable.An important factor in night photography is how the lighting is portrayed in the scene. When portraying rows of street lighting for example, the direct light source itself is being photographed, therefore the lighting being exposed is very bright. An image of a floodlit building on the other hand is an image exposed by reflected

light. This naturally is much weaker and would need a much longer exposure.

In many cases the two examples would be portrayed in the same image, this would lead to extreme contrasts and very difficult exposure metering problems. In a case like this it is always best to expose for the reflected light and ignore any lighting that is portrayed in the image. Doing this will no doubt lead to overexposure of the light fixtures, but this can look quite acceptable in the image.